Rheilffordd Talyllyn Railway Operations

AGM 2002 - Michael Howard

Pictures taken by Michael Howard during the AGM Weekend.

Saturday 29 September
Sian and her Mum Gareth enjoys his 1st Pint Gareth after a few more pints
Neil trying to focus on his Dad Neil trying to focus on the camera Neil obviously been practicing his smile
... Mark Tibbutt looks like he has also been practicing Posh and Andy!!??? Pendre Staff - Dave and Martin
Michael and Mouse Bill on the dance floor Neil Scott
Caroline dancing... I think Dale on his way back to the bar!! Walter happy to be back on T&OC
... er... nice shirt!! The Jones' family... who is propping up who?? Neil clutches the chair for support
... Neil again The Jones' boys obviously looking at something special!!! Bill and Caroline
Caroline and her Dad Caroline trying to get her hands around Posh Tom King ('TK Fish') and Michael Howard
Sunday 30 September
Bill sits at Wharf ... Bill again Neil and Bill
... and again 

Information last updated 28 April 2015

Talyllyn Railway Ops -> Notices -> AGM Entertainment 2002 -> AGM 2002 - Michael Howard
Maintained by Bill Heynes