Monday 21 July |
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No 3 and No 7 (with its brand new spring) on the middle road at Wharf. No 1 is behind on the coal road | | Russell on No 2 and Alex on No 6. Unusual sight... Russell taking a breather between rounds of shovelling | | Believe it or not... this is actually taken from No 6's footplate in Wharf Cutting, as No 2 and No 1 run around the train! Russ did you leave any coal for anyone else? |
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Driver's view from No 6's footplate... Si and Lis get ready | | ... and looking back... Rach on No 2 and Gareth on No 1 | | Group photo of all the loco crews... at the time the picture was taken we could not see the camera - No 2's smog!! |
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No 6,7,3,2 and 1 at Pendre. No that is not the shed on fire it is the smog from No 2's chimney | | No 3 and 4 at Pendre again... oh and No 2 in the background!! | | Kazza on No 7 and Alex on No 6 |
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No 2 and No 3 at Pendre. You wouldn't think it both engines are in steam!! | | No 2 heads off up the line... are you planning on going to Shrewsbury Russ? | |