Rheilffordd Talyllyn Railway Operations

W&LLR Weekend 2004 - 16/10/04 & 17/10/04

Pictures taken by Bill during the Weekend on the W&LLR in October.

Saturday 16 October
Richard and James Newby clean Countess Countess stands outside the shed at Llanfair Countess sits at Welshpool on the 1000 (ex-Llanfair). Loco crew Richard and Trav
James, Pete and Richard depart on the second train of the day ... and again W&LLR Hostel - Keyse Cottage
'JB' drives Countess on the 1600 departure from Llanfair 'JB' drives Countess on the 1600 (ex-Llanfair) Pete on the footplate as Richard waves the train across the crossing
Pete and Richard on the footplate again Bill on Countess at the end of the day ... and again
Sunday 17 October
View looking west from the Hostel Ferret sits at Llanfair Group photo - Alex, Bill, Simon Mayor (.com), Pete, Richard Tigwell, Nick Slade, Richard Green, John Travis (Trav), Richard Newby, James Newby, Triston Lister and Miles Blackman
... and again 
Pictures taken by Alex
... and again (digitally enhanced) Smog emissions differing here to the picture on page 9 in a recent Railway magazine hey Alex!!! 

Information last updated 28 April 2015

Talyllyn Railway Ops -> Notices -> W&LLR Weekend 2004
Maintained by Bill Heynes